January is our Adult Academy Awards night.
Remember we have until Monday to turn in the nominations for the awards. It was requested that at least every zone, but preferably every pack, turn one of those sheets in completed for nomination. We actually want to flood with awards and acknowledgements of merit, so it would be wonderful for every ward to turn in two or three acknowledgements of merit (which didn't have an official sheet, but we needed to know who nominated and their phone number so they could be contacted for more info, the name of the nominee within our Pony Express District, and why they are being nominated). Send the information to Judy: jwhsearch@aol.com
Each zone is assigned to make a flag which stands from the floor and has a base to hold it. The flag should be decorated in a way that represents the zone. Be sure that whatever is on the flag has meaning, as you will be asked to explain the symbolism.
Below are some examples of flags that were made at Akela's Council.
(A GREAT Leadership training!)
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