
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Field Trips

It's warming up out there. Really. It is. Or at least spring is getting closer. What are we to do with these Cub Scouts who have been cooped up all winter? Our last pack meeting was full of ideas to take these boys on field trips.

Outdoor trip ideas included:

  • Living Planet Aquarium
  • Bingham Copper Mine
  • the Bean Museum at BYU
  • Paleontology Dept. at BYU
  • Cabella's 
  • Hutchings Museum in Lehi
  • Wheeler Farm in Salt Lake
  • Petroglyphs in Eagle Mountain
  • Tracy Aviary
  • Hogle Zoo
  • Parks
  • Nature Trails
  • Friends in Need Animal Shelter in Eagle Mountain

When all else fails, some things can be learned from books. Imagination is the key here.

The Intermediate Den Leader class had a discussion on field trips, also. Some successful field trips suggested were:
  • Camp Williams
  • Home Depot
  • Lowes
When attending a Saturday morning class at Home Depot or Lowe's, call well in advance to place your den or pack on the list. These classes fill quickly. Often, when a class isn't full and leftover kits are available, they have been known to donate to the cub scout troops who take the time to ask.

We also discussed some not so successful trips leaders have taken with their boys. The consensus was taking rambunctious boys to the Library. When a Library trip is needed, a willingness to leave is necessary on the leaders' part. This way the librarians and patrons are not disturbed too terribly much by boys having loud fun amongst the quiet readers.

The point to field trips is to have fun. Enjoy each other and the many activities in our area. If you have other ideas to share, please email us or leave comments and we will add them to our lists.


  1. We just completed a success-full field trip at the eagle mountain library. If you are able to discuss boy expectations with your boys prior to going and especially if you schedule for a tour (one week prior required at the Eagle Mountain library). It should go smoothly. You can even request what information they cover to make sure whatever requirements need to be completed are easily completed. They even have a simple puppet stage---so even webelos might be able to utilize this for a showman requirement. An extra bonus was the visit to city hall on the same field trip---they were great and very patient(and easily understood) in answering all the boys questions. Tamara Sasser, pack 1251

  2. The central Utah gardens is wonderful and free. It's just East of Krispy Kreme on University Pkwy in Orem. Lots of info and classes and events throughout the summer FREE! Their focus is water conservationand public education. It's a pretty sweet place.
