
Wednesday, August 1, 2018

When One Pack is One Combined Den

Is your pack small enough that you need to combine all dens (Wolf/Bear/Webelos) into one combined den?  I was in such a pack October 2017. To boot, we only had one set of den leaders, who would do a Wolf activity one week, Bear the next, Webelos the next, and then we had pack meeting and nobody has completed a full adventure.  I happen to know that with the old Cub Scout program books, BSA provided a very not well-known alternate program combining all 3 dens every week, Plan A and Plan B, for alternating years.  Now we have all new programs and no new alternate c9mbined den program, yet.

Rather than just sit back, knowing what I know, and watching these boys earn one adventure award every 3 or 4 months, and watching these leaders working as hard as they knew how to in order to keep everyone happy, I went to work assembling this admittedly unpolished but very functional lesson plan.

I took a look at the Wolf, Bear, and Webelos required adventures for similar subjects being learned, and I put them together, because as long as you are aware of age appropriate safety guidelines, there's no problem with these cub scouts dabbling in others' activities.

If you choose to use this plan, it will take a little more work on your part to prepare and plan your den meeting.  You will need all 3 books, and I suggest the Den Meeting Planning Book as well.  But, I did the work in letting you know what adventures naturally work together.  You're welcome. ;D Here it is!