
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Let me Tell you about Akela's Council

Akela's Council

Make Your Pack and Dens Great by Attending Akela's Council for the Best Cub Scout Leader Training Anywhere!

What Is Akela's Council? This is an exciting 4 1/2 day Cub Scout Leader Training for those who have completed the Leader Basic Training. This fast-paced and inspiring training covers den doodles, den yells, relationships, Cub Scout forms, resources, Sports/Academic program, skits, puppets, charter renewal, BSA policies, insignia, Webelos Outdoor Experience, Cub Scouts with disabilities and much more.

When and where does it happen?

In 2012, Akela's Council will be held twice:
  • Frandsen Scout Ranch (located at Scofield Reservoir) on July 24-28, 2012, and
  • Tifie Scout Camp at Mountain Dell (near Mount Pleasant) on September 11-15, 2012.
Past participants have deemed Akela's Council to be the most motivating and enjoyable training they have ever completed. Registration is limited so register early for this once-in-a-lifetime experience.This training meets the needs of all Cub Scout Pack level leaders. How do you apply? Click Here to Apply Online. You can also print and fill out the Akela's Council Registration Form, enclose a check or money order for the $65.00 required deposit or the full $115.00 fee, and send directly to: Boy Scouts of America 748 North 1340 West Orem UT 84057 Partial scholarships may be available. Contact your district Cub Scout Trainer or call Council Services at (801) 437-6222 for more information. All fees are due 30 days prior to the course. There will be no refunds issued after the course begins.


1. Be registered with the Boy Scouts of America. 2. Complete Cub Scout Leader Basic Training before course. 3. Provide the completed Annual Health and Medical Record (parts A, B, and C) at check-in. information from:

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Utah Valley Cub Scout POW WOW 2012

Jungle Safari 
August 25, 2012

Saturday Morning Sign-In - - 7:30 am - 8:25 am
Opening Ceremonies - -  8:30 am - 9:05 am
Classes - - 9:15 am - 3:00 pm

 Do you feel like your in a Jungle when it comes to Cub Scouting?

In a jungle there are trees, vines, wild animals, bugs and so much more.  You can sure get lost in the jungle if you don't have a map.  You can get lost if you don't have your guide.  You can encounter those wild beasts and have no weapons to protect yourself.

Cub Scouting can be a jungle.  You become a leader and feel overwhelmed, LOST even.  You may become discourage and just sit down where you are and don't know what to you don't do anything.

Well, POW WOW is your guide and your map to Cub Scouting.  
Many, many volunteers who are experienced in Cub Scouting are volunteering their time to HELP YOU!  

HELP!  You don't have to do it alone.  You don't have to figure it out all by yourself.  

POW WOW will open your mind to what Cub Scouting is.  
POW WOW will help you understand your position.
POW WOW will give you so many ideas that you don't have to recreate the wheel.

Pow Wow Participant: $10/person  May 1st - July 31st   
$15/person August 1st - 20th 

District Hikes 2012

The District 50/20 (50 miles in 20 hours) last year was a huge success! There were many participants, even from other districts.  The actual 50/20 challenge is for Varsity and Venturing Scouts, $7/youth and $5/adult.  Boy Scouts ages 12-13 can camp along the trail and hand out water/food and cheer them on.

For Boy Scouts ages 12-13 and Cub Scouts, there are two shorter hikes within the 50/20:  The Pony Express & Historic Trails segment $5/youth and $3/adult, and Historic Trials (only) segment $3/youth and $1/adult.

Click to learn more about: Pony Express Trail BSA 50/20 Hikes
Registration closes Aug 24.

(There is a running organization hooking up with our event, but it is separate for registration and fees.)

2012 District Scout Expo PLUS Sports Belt Loop Pow Wow


The Pony Express District Scout Expo is a one day event on September 29, 2012 from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. It brings together families of current or potential scouts or cub scouts from all over Pony Express District in Utah National Parks Council.  The District Scout Expo features dozens of skilled scout-type events meant for challenge and fun for the whole family.  The above pictures show a few of the activities we had last year.

Troops and Packs are encouraged to provide an exhibit.  Click here for exhibit ideas. It may--but doesn't have to--pass off parts of required or elective achievements, but it should be an activity related with scouting and cub scouting ideals.  The Troop or Pack provides and finances it's own exhibit's activities.  It is suggested that the scouts and cubs serve at the booth with leaders and you set up a rotating schedule for service at the booth, so that each person has time to attend all the other booths at the event with their own family as well.

The Pony Express District Scout Expo will be held at the Saratoga Springs Stake Center located at 587 South Saratoga Road.  The cost is $5 per family, which is meant to defray the costs of running it.

In addition to, and within the District Scout Expo there will be an area sectioned off for a Sports Belt Loop Pow Wow.  Admission to this is $2 per cub scout.  However, the boys who were at the cub camp that was evacuated because of the Dump Fire will get in for free, to make up for their lost Day Camp activities.

At the Sports Belt Loop Pow Wow cub and Webelos scouts will rotate through sports activities to earn various sports belt loops.  It will be the highlight of the event for Tiger, Wolf, Bear, and Webelos scouts!

Monday, July 23, 2012

Activity vs Field Uniforms, and "Class C"

Field Uniforms:
The basic Cub Scout uniform consists of the official, button-down, navy blue shirt (tan, for Webelos), navy blue pants, shorts or Switchbacks (khaki green for Webelos), navy blue socks with gold tops for Cub Scouts (army green with red tops for Webelos) or orange tops for Tiger Cubs, a navy blue web belt with brass buckle with Cub Scout logo (khaki green belt with brass buckle with Webelos logo for Webelos), a neckerchief with slide (must be the official neckerchief, but the slide may be official or homemade), and a navy blue cap with a colored panel (khaki green for Webelos). The tan/khaki green uniform is optional for the Webelos, but the color of uniform must be consistent and not mixed with the other colored-uniform.

The field uniform should be worn at pack meetings and is appropriate for wearing to den and other cub scout gatherings.  (The field uniform is sometimes referred to as the class A uniform, but this terminology is not used in any BSA publication and is officially discouraged.)

Activity Uniforms:
An activity or utility uniform generally consists of a Scouting related T-shirt, polo shirt or other shirt, often customized with a unit design, such as those received at some Cub or Webelos Day Camps, bought at a BSA store, or made specifically for the den or pack.

Activity or utility uniforms are worn when the official field uniform is not appropriate for activities or as directed by the unit leaders.  (The activity or utility uniform is sometimes referred to as the class B uniform, but this terminology is not used in any BSA publication and is officially discouraged.)

Saluting the Flag:
The official word is, "The hand-to-forehead salute is correct for flag ceremonies for any person wearing a uniform of the Boy Scouts of America. This includes those wearing the blue blazer dress uniform. The hand-over-heart salute should be used when not in uniform."  There is no further uniform definition for giving the scout salute for flag ceremonies.

Themed Costumes:
It is always appropriate for boys, families, and leaders/committee to wear costumes fitting the theme of the pack meeting. It is very appropriate and encouraged for the Cubmaster and other committee members to wear simple costumes for ceremonies, which should be put on just before the ceremony and taken off just after the ceremony, unless it is too complicated and time-consuming - which case, it may be worn throughout the evening.  Those wearing theme costumes would salute the flag as a civilian, with hat off head and hand over heart.

Pack Meeting is ALL Leaders' Responsibility

WHY the Pack Meeting part of Roundtable pertains to all positions.

Committeeincludes Committee Chair, Cubmaster, all Den Leaders, other Committee Members, and Parent Volunteers
“Cub Dens” are the responsibility of the Den Leaders to prepare them before the Pack Meeting
If the Cubmaster has an emergency or gets sick and can't make it and there's no assistant, the responsibility falls on the Committee Chair, who should be completely familiar with how a Pack Meeting should run and look like.

Plans Theme & Activities                    Committee

Set Up    & Decorations                      Committee

Pick up Awards                                   Committee Chair or Awards Chair
(inc. Records of bought, actually awarded, needs awarded next month because of absences)
Program                                              Committee Chair

Gathering Activity                                Cubmaster or Committee

Emcee                                                Cubmaster or sometimes Cubs 
                                                                                            (Den Leader)

Prayers                                               Cub By Invitation
Flag Ceremony                                  Cub Dens (Den Leader)

Opening Ceremony                           Cub Dens (Den Leader)

Announcements                                Committee Chair

Skit                                                    Cub Dens (Den Leader)

Run-On Jokes                                   Committee or Cub Dens (Den Leader)
(between acts or during lulls)

Core Value connections                    Cubmaster

Den Presentations                            Cub Dens (Den Leader)

Award Ceremonies                           Cubmaster w/Committee and 
                                                                                 Den Leaders' help

Activity                                               Cubmaster and Committee 

Refreshments                                    by Assignment Preference 
                                                           (cubs can pass off achievements 
                                                            if they make treats sometimes) 

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Pack Yearly Planning Meeting

Click HERE for Chris's slides from June's Cub Scout Roundtable Committee Class, in preparation of your own Pack Yearly Planning Meeting. When you have decided on your pack activities, print it on a poster-sized pack calendar to be displayed at pack meeting, place it on your pack blog, and give a hard copy to each family. The Boy Scouts have a Pack Calendar that I really like. Click Here to be brought to the BSA page where you can scroll down and then view the 2010-2011 Pack Calendar Template (Excel). If you like it, check back in August - hopefully it will be updated with the 2011-2012 calendars. I like this template because it works for both people who learn visually (color the calendar day) and who learn by reading (the activity and date).

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Pack Theme Song

I always thought it would be fun to have a pack theme song.  Here's a pack from the UK whose pack song has gone global and said that we can make our own version of their song, with certain simple and friendly conditions.  Catchy!  Check them out!    
The Cobra Cub Pack Song              music, lyrics, and copy conditions

Cooperation Roundtable July 2012

Cooperation Stick Game
Game 1:  Each person has a broom stick and holds it in front of them and standing on the ground.  One person is the caller.  They call "left" or "right", which time everybody lets go of their broomstick, which will fall to the side.  If the caller called "left", you must catch the stick to your left, no matter which way it falls.  If the stick falls to the ground, you're out of the game.  If they call "right", you catch the stick to your right.
Game 2:  One stick, several people around it.  The person holding the stick calls out someone's name who is standing in the circle and lets go of the stick.  The person whose name was called must grab the stick before it falls to the ground.  If successful, he then calls someone else's name, then lets go.  However, if the stick falls to the ground before he can catch it, he's out of the game.

Cooperation Craft: Milk Carton Totem Pole
A totem is an object representing an animal or object that serves as an emblem of a group of people.  A "totem" is one section of a totem pole.  Have each den create their own totem for a pack totem pole, or each boy create his own for a den totem pole.  The milk carton bottoms have a just-larger-than-half-inch hole cut so that the cartons may fit over a half-inch PVC pipe, which goes through the center of all the totems to keep them together.

Water Changing Ceremony
Put some blue food coloring on a jar lid.  When dry, fill the jar 2/3 with water.  Be careful not to let the water touch the lid until the ceremony.  Have the person who is being recognized come up.  Announce that you have a truth test about their Cub Scout spirit.  Tell them that if they shake that jar of water and have enough cub scout spirit, the water will turn blue.  Have them shake it, and of course it turns blue.  You can click here to see a video of this ceremony

Banana-Bandana Skit 
Required:  a bandana and two bananas
Note: The whole skit has a premise of mistaking 'banana' for 'bandana'.
magician: Hello, everyone! Welcome to the Great Mystero's Amazing Magical Bonanza! I need a volunteer to help me with my first trick (looking around, he choose a planted 'volunteer' that has a banana inside his shirt or pocket. The volunteer walks up onstage. )
magician: Thank you for helping me. For this trick, you can not watch me so let's stand back to back.
magician: I will show you that I can transport this bandana from my pocket to his.  Watch (places the bandana in his pocket).  Okay, reach in your pocket and get out the bandana.  Do you have it?
volunteer: (reaching in his shirt and pulling out a banana and holding it high for the audience to see) Yes, I have it right here.
magician: OK, in order to transport it back to me, you need to do exactly what I say.  first of all, fold your bandana in half.
volunteer: (peels banana) OK, got it.
magician: OK, now, fold it in half again.
volunteer: (folds banana in half) OK.
magician: Now, fold it one more time.  Tell me when you have it folded, just as I've told you.
volunteer: Again?
magician: Yes, again!
volunteer: (folds banana again) OK.
magician: Now, place it back into your pocket and push it really hard.
volunteer: (does as told) OK.
magician: Okay, it should be right here in my pocket. (reaches into his pocket, but pulls out a smashed banana) Ewwww.  Banana?  I said bandana!
    Now the magician can look disgusted at the banana or as a better ending, sticking to the saying 'The Show Must Go On', he can shove the banana mush into his mouth, show his empty hand that it is gone, and take a deep bow!

We chose "Circus of Stars" for our Cooperation Theme for Roundtable.
Scott is a circus clown by trade.  He taught us a great gag - how to properly throw a pie in someone's face.  Tip 1:  Never use actual whipped cream, because if it stays on the clothes for a while, it will stain and ruin the clothes.  Therefore, always use soap, like shaving cream.
Tip 2: Protect the victim's clothes with a towel.  Also, be sure they know to close their eyes and their mouth.
Tip 3:  The person never throws the pie at the face, but instead just places the pie on the face.  Practice with a clean pie plate.
Tip 4:  Never actually put a pie in some unsuspecting person's face.  Sure, they'll be expecting it and so will the audience, but they will also be anxious, especially the boys.  Surprise everyone by secretly setting up ahead of time to "unexpectedly" getting the pie in your own face. It takes cooperation to pull this off, and it will get squeals and giggles of surprise from everyone!  Can be used as a skit or a ceremony.

Penguin Song

Penguin Song Video

Click above to watch this song sung at one pack meeting.
For word clarity:
Wite fwippuh  (Right flipper)
Weft fwippuh  (Left flipper)
Wite webby wokkuh  (Right webby walker)
Weft webby wokkah (Left webby walker)

September - Cooperation

The great news is that National BSA is coming up with themes again, to help out.  Remember that the themes are for the purpose of bringing the Core Values to life.  The Core Values is what we're teaching through the theme we choose.

Now, the themes that the BSA comes up with are to help us.  However, we are not required to use themes, although it makes a pack meeting very memorable and I highly suggest it! We are also not required to use their themes, but If you would like someone else to do the research for you, then the BSA will come up with some wonderful ideas to follow!

If you do decide to go with themes, it is okay to use your own themes, but of course you'll also have to come up with all the activities and decorations that go with it all on your own.  If you are internet-savvy, that won't be a problem. 

I have come up with some Pack Meeting themes that go with September's Core Value, Cooperation.  If you don't know what the activity is that I have listed, "search" it in your browser, and it'll be easy to find.


Bike Rodeo -  Decorate & parade bikes, Bike Inspection, Bike Adjustments, Bike Safety, Riding skills, Ride Safely, Bike registration, bike lock, why need helmets, bicycle belt loop, bike wash, water tunnel, Police guest speaker, with traffic

Carnival -  Throw hoops around stuffed animal to keep, toss coins onto canning lids, drop beans into a can, balloon popping, bowling, bean bags, marshmallow guns, small prizes to trade tickets earned at games for (McDonald prizes, etc.)

Circus -   Clowns, Walking the wire (on the ground), dog tricks (cubs act as dog and trainer), kids jump through hoops, tumbling, lion tamer skit (cubs act as lion and tamer), ring leader, song: Elephants Have Wrinkles, flea circus skit, juggling w/2 people together

Communication -  Communicating belt loop, Charades, Deaf, News reporter, secret codes, no talking instructions, get blindfolded through obstacle course, storytelling, puppets, foreign language, follow instructions

Derbies -  Pinewood, Space, Raingutter regatta, Cubanapolis, Humpty Dumpty, Cubmobile,
Kite, Rockets (models, soda bottle water, paper, soda bottle air, pencil, pinwheel, Alka-Seltzer, rocket science, launchers)

Genius Kits -   Most Ingenious, Best Workmanship, Most Unusual, Most Useful, Most Original, Best Invention, Most Uncommon, Most Creative, Most Scientific, Funniest, Largest Smallest

Music -  homemade instruments with pipes, sticks, cans, bottles, water, combs, paper, rice, toothpicks, paper plates, etc.

Showbiz -   Talent show, tumbling, piano and instruments. Use masks, puppets, sound effects, magic tricks, skits, music and announcer to pass off rank achievements.

Sports -  sports skills, sports games, Olympics

Teamwork  -  stacking cans with string tied to a large rubber band, hoola hoop pass head to foot of someone then foot to head of the next and on around a circle, human knot, toxic waste, helium stick, all aboard, group footracers, mine field, river crossing

Western -  Decorate cardboard boxes into covered wagons and horses, Chuckwagon Derby, Pioneer games, lasso, gold panning, learn knots, Wild West Deputy, stick horse relay, marshmallow gun target shooting, outdoor cooking, campfire, constellations, compass, maps, against cybercrime, against bullying

Circus of Stars

At July's Roundtable (since our Roundtable is at the end of the month) we gave ideas on September's Core Value, Cooperation.  We chose the theme Circus of Stars to demonstrate this value for a possible pack meeting.

Circus Ring - I got red butcher paper and cut it in half lengthwise. (The length depends on how large you want your circle.) I then folded each in almost half lengthwise.  Then I cut slits from one side to the middle fold about every eight inches.  When I was ready to make the ring, I needed help from my daughter and son.  After taping the two lengths together, we overlapped the cut flaps by an inch and taped them together.  As a result, we made a ring, but the walls were floppy.  So, my two children took wide masking tape, taped over the top edge of the ring then stretched the tape to stick on the floor, bringing the wall verticle.  It actually looked really good.

We had circus music playing when people came in.  I was the ringmaster, and the rest of the staff dressed up as: lion, lion tamer with a hoola hoop, clowns, a high-wire walker, trapeze artist, band leader, tall person walking on homemade stilts (from one of the cub books).

While it's great to have the Pack Committee dress up for the occasion, the real show and stars of the show are the Cub Scouts.  That's really what we were representing.  Those cubs and family members that come to pack meeting dressed as something from a circus could come into the room in a parade.

Throughout the evening the boys can entertain the audience with tiger taming tricks, dog training tricks, clown stunts, show off their tumbling skills, put on a magic show - all playing a part.

One ceremony to show appreciation, you could "throw" a pie in their face. Scott is a circus clown by trade.  He taught us a great gag - how to properly throw a pie in someone's face.  Tip 1:  Never use actual whipped cream, because if it stays on the clothes for a while, it will stain and ruin the clothes.  Therefore, always use soap, like shaving cream.
Tip 2: Protect the victim's clothes with a towel.  Also, be sure they know to close their eyes and their mouth.
Tip 3:  The person never throws the pie at the face, but instead just places the pie on the face.  Practice with a clean pie plate.
Tip 4:  Never actually put a pie in some unsuspecting person's face.  Sure, they'll be expecting it and so will the audience, but they will also be anxious, especially the boys.  Surprise everyone by secretly setting up ahead of time to "unexpectedly" getting the pie in your own face. It takes cooperation to pull this off, and it will get squeals and giggles of surprise from everyone!

Some Cub Scout Pack themes to look up from the past related to this theme:  Circle of Stars, A Cub Scout Circus, Under the Big Top.  Click here for other ideas I found related to Circus activities.

Outside Flag Pole

Here is a great reason to learn knots and lashings!  You can have a flag pole wherever you are.
This is convenient for outside ceremonies, used at day camps as well as needed to pass off achievements.
Of course, you could use an outside pole already at the site just for such a purpose, but what about at a local camp site?  Besides, look at those parallel lashings.  Doesn't that look so cool!  So...........well, Boy Scout-y! Standing there as an advertisement to entice your cub scouts to moving on to Boy Scouts.  I challenge you!

Friday, July 20, 2012

Honesty Fair

August value is Honesty. The theme is Water Carnival. This Honesty Fair could combine the two, or you could use the Honesty part with any multiple game fair. (Thank you, Cameron Clements, for sharing this idea.) Start off by printing fun money. Here is a link where you can personalize the money with someone's face you know, like the Cub Master or Lord Baden Powell's. At the beginning of your carnival or fair, give each boy two $5 bills. Do not tell them this is an Honesty Fair. Just call it a Water Carnival, or whatever. They must pay $3 for each game. When they give their $5, they will need $2 change, but instead they will be given 3 $1 bills back. They may feel lucky and keep the extra dollar, or they may try to give the extra dollar back, which case the boothmaster who just gave them the change tells them, "You must go to Customer Service for that." This gives the cub another chance to keep the dollar or take the time to give the dollar back at the Customer Service desk. If they continue on and return the extra dollar, Customer Service gives them a paper Honesty Award in exchange. Click Honesty Award for the template you see at the right with 8 badges on a page (from that you can print and write "Honesty" in. At the end of the game fair, talk to the group about how this was really an Honesty Fair, and each boy (if they were honest) should have 2 Honesty Awards. This is a great time for the participants to quietly look inside and take inventory of himself.