
Thursday, May 31, 2012

For All CubScout Leaders--Akela's Council training


This year, Utah National Parks Council will be putting on their 28th and 29th sessions of Akela's Council.  Akela's Council has been going strong since 1987, and is a 4 1/2 day Cub Scout Leader Training.  This year Akela's Council will be held twice:
  • Frandsen Scout Ranch (located at Scofield Reservoir) on July 24-28, 2012, and
  • Tifie Scout Camp at Mountain Dell (near Mount Pleasant) on September 11-15, 2012. 
Past participants have deemed Akela's Council to be the most motivating and enjoyable training they have ever completed. Registration is limited so register early for this once-in-a-lifetime experience. This training meets the needs of all Cub Scout Pack level leaders.  Akela's Council is similar to Woodbadge, but specifically and perfect for Cub Scout Leaders.  Please try to attend, and encourage your Cub Scout Leaders to attend this training.  Remember... a good Cub Scout Leader is a well trained Cub Scout Leader. 
Here are the top 51 items they will learn at Akela's Council:
  1. Flag Etiquette
  2. OWL Webelos Leader Training
  3. Respect
  4. Family Involvement
  5. Ceremonies
  6. Uniforms & Insignia
  7. Elements of a Den Meeting
  8. Pinewood Derby's, Paper Rockets, Raingutter Regatta's
  9. Cub Anapolis
  10. Patriotism
  11. Pack Meeting Planning
  12. Crafts
  13. Genius Kits
  14. Conservation Awareness
  15. Cubs in the Kitchen
  16. Communicating with Parents
  17. Positive Attitudes
  18. Cub Leader Book
  19. Games & Teaching Ideas
  20. Den Doodles
  21. Communications
  22. Keys to a Successful Pack
  23. Round Table Instruction
  24. Positive Value Emphasis
  25. Enjoying Nature
  26. Pack Meetings
  27. Gathering Activities
  28. Working as a Team
  29. Attitudes & Skills
  30. District Leader Training
  31. Skits & Puppets
  32. Webelos Ree Outdoors
  33. Talking Feather
  34. Flag Ceremonies
  35. Den Flags
  36. Treasure Hunts
  37. Denners & Asst. Denners
  38. Den Chiefs
  39. New Program Information
  40. Leader Appreciation
  41. Campfire Etiquette
  42. Special Events
  43. Costuming
  44. BSA Structure
  45. Observing Nature
  46. Take a Hike
  47. Outdoor Code
  48. Listening to Nature
  49. Uniform Inspections
  50. Blue & Gold Banquet
  51. Cub Scout Songs
If anyone has any questions on Akela's Council, you are welcome to:
Call Utah National Parks Council Services at 801-437-6222
Call VaLayne Ostler 801-763-0377

Akela's Council 2012 Application.pdfAkela's Council 2012 Application.pdf
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I Like Toast


Here are the Lyrics:

All around the country coast to coast,
people always say what do you like most,
 I don't wanna brag i don't wanna boast,
I always tell 'em I like toast. yeah TOAST yeah TOAST

I get up in the mornin' bout six AM,
 have a little jelly have a little jam,
take a piece of bread put it in the slot,
push down the lever and the wires gets hot,
I get toast. yeah TOAST yeah TOAST

Now there's no secret to toasting perfection,
 there's a dial on the side and you make your selection,
push to the dark or the light and then,
if it pops too soon press down again,
 make toast. yeah TOAST yeah TOAST

When the first caveman drove in from the drags,
didn't know what would go with the bacon and the eggs,
must have been a genius got it in his head,
 plug the toaster in the wall, buy a bag of bread,
make toast. yeah TOAST yeah TOAST

 oh wee monsieur bonjour cool cat,
 uh huh croissante du bagette, maurice a vaulzey effeil tower,
o wee maria bagette vouze, FRENCH TOAST FRENCH TOAST

Friday, May 18, 2012

Balloon Rocket Derby

A space derby on a smaller budget.  I bet it's just as much of a blast, though. (oh - haha, pun not intended, but works!) You could even make an extra long string and when the balloon is deflated, the boy can blow it up again for the rest of the "track", if the track is hung at the the right height.  Click HERE for instructions.
Knights of The Round Table Opening Flag Ceremony

Announcer: Hear ye! Hear ye! The Kingdom of Cub Scouting requests your presence before the Royalty of the Land! (Royal trumpet sounds) Prepare for the entrance of the Knights.

(Let boys carry homemade shields and cardboard swords. Carry flags for the dens. Play march music)

Announcer: Knights! Hold your swords at attention while the American flag is brought up.

Reader: The flags, shields and banners of kings were symbols of the monarchy. Fleur-de-lis, lions, and trees, symbolize strength, purity or the place of the king.

Our banner has three colors, and stars as symbols.
Our colors show red for bravery, white for purity and blue for loyalty.

The stripes stand for the thirteen colonies, and the stars stand for all the states.

Knights and courtiers of the Kingdom, please stand for the symbol of our land.  (Bring in the U.S. flag)  Scout salute!
Please join in the Pledge of allegiance.  (After Pledge is done, say TWO! That means to drop the Scout salute.)

Click here for more Knights of The Round Table ideas from Baloo's Bugle.

Committee Smooth Operations

Now, this is what I call "smooth operations". 

Here are Chris Sears' Cub Scout Roundtable Committee Breakout
 May 2012 class notes.

Cub Visor Craft

I will be completely honest.  I found this picture on an internet image board.  I don't know where it came from, but I think it is a marvelous idea (probably because it's simple enough that even I could do this).  You could have the boys trace around a pattern onto craft foam, cut out, and glue onto a blue plastic or foam visor, which you can find online for 80 cents to $1.

I'm thinking to do this as a Pack activity just for fun and to kick off summer or before a water carnival or Scout Expo (Scout-A-Rama).

Wolf 9: Let's Have A Party! (as a party hat)
Wolf Arrowpoint 3: a. Make something useful for home

Bears:  In anticipation and preparation for a hike, neighborhood clean-up, family outdoor adventure, or gardening.  You could also have it be an invitation, if you tape meeting info under the visor.

Webelos Craftsman #4: Make four useful items using materials other than wood

Run-on Jokes

A run-on joke is used in Pack Meeting as a way to keep the audience focused and interested during delays, because more than half the audience probably has a very short attention span - so you wanna keep it.

The delay might be the Den Leader giving quick last minute instructions before a presentation.  The delay might be the Cub Master asking the Committee Chair a question or digging around trying to find something.  The delay might be the time it takes for a den to gather up front.

A run-on joke is a one-liner joke, usually more "punny" than funny.  It can be one person delivering the line or question and answer, or it can be two - one asking the other.  Either way they run on stage very quickly, deliver their joke, then run off very quickly, almost as to not interrupt or delay by the Cubmaster at all. The dens in my pack take turns being prepared with run-ons for each pack meeting.  They love it!

Other times they may coordinate to randomly walk on stage while the Cubmaster is talking (but not during a ceremony), the Cubmaster asks a "what are you doing?"-type question, and the line is delivered.  For example, a cub walks on stage pulling a rope.  The Cubmaster asks, "why are you pulling that rope?", to which the cub answers, "Have you ever tried pushing one?"  These are my favorite run-ons, but there aren't many out there as compared to riddle or knock-knock jokes.

Three of the best places I have found for quick and clean jokes are (just click "clean jokes" above), the back two pages of Boy's Life Magazine -- a section called Think & Grin, and my Cub Leader Pow Wow books.  At and in Cub Leader Pow Wow books the jokes are organized by topic (for example, Astronauts, Cows, Elephants, Halloween, Knights, What Do You Call A Scout Who....).

Last night our Cub Leader Roundtable's value was Courage (July), so we chose the them Knights of the Roundtable.  Here are the puns used, which was taken from

Where do knights go to grab a bite to eat? To an all-KNIGHT diner.
Why did every castle have a bank with an automated teller?  For making KNIGHT deposits.
What did King Arthur listen to every evening at six? the KNIGHTLY news.
What do you call it when all the knights trade places at the roundtable?  The KNIGHT shift.
What do you call a mosquito in a knight's suit?  A bite in shining armor.
Why were the early days of history called the dark ages?  Because there were so many KNIGHTS.
What do you call a knight who's afraid to fight?  Sir Render.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Cub Cartons

I think these are so neat!  I'm just going to send you right on over to the site where I found this, titled I'm A Cub Master...Now What! Be sure to check out her other unique and fun ideas while you are there!

In June our cubs and Webelos attend Cub Scout Day Camp.  As a result, in July each boy will receive a whole bunch of awards. I think it would be wonderful to pack all their awards in these Cub Cartons!

These cartons would be great for:
*I confess, I don't have much of an imagination.  I'd love to hear your ideas how to use these!