
Friday, December 30, 2011

Looking for more Blue and Gold Ideas?

Are you looking for more Blue and Gold Ideas? Well I found a few more ideas that I wanted to share with you.
An Angry Bird Blue and Gold

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Just another cute idea for Blue and Gold Decorations. Just decorate some empty boxes .

Eagle can

Okay, many people have been asking questions about the Eagle Can. So here is the idea.
Take a #10, which can be purchased at the LDS Lindon Cannery for about 90cents and then
10 cents for the lid. Then you can rent the sealer from the cannery, Free rental.
Decorate the can and put the CubScout Name on the lid. Inside the can, well at least inside this can, is a letter from the CubScout's parent, bishop, den leader, and cub master. There is a poem and a small token/trinket.

The idea is that the Cub Scout receives this can but can not open it. There are only two conditions where the boy can open it; 1. if the Boy receives his Eagle or 2. if the Boy graduates from High school.
On the top of the can it says: " I CAN! I CAN! I CAN get my Eagle and when I do I CAN open my CAN."

Then at your Blue and Gold EVERY boy receives his can.
And that way you recognize EVERY boy.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Blue and Gold Table Decor. Ideas

This is something very simple to make and you don't need to be a expert cake decorator to make this. Made out of cupcakes (regular or mini). This can be made and used for Blue & Gold Banquet or when a young man earns his Arrow of Light.
Here are some Blue and Gold Table Decoration Ideas
Pocket Knife Invitations click here
To make the lantern click here for instructions. To make the fire centerpiece click here for instructions. Here is one version to make a space shuttle Click here for instructions click here for instructions

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Neckerchief slides

How can you go from this:
To this:

Wanna know? I’ll show you how.
Step one: drink a LOT of milk.
Step two: cut the handle off of the milk container.
Step three: cut the handle into smaller chunks.

Step four: find anything that looks like it would make a fun neckerchief slide.
Step five: GLUE!!! Hot glue will work in a pinch but tends to just snap off once it has hardened. I’ve had great success with E-6000. It’s a craft glue found in the craft section at most stores. I got mine at Walmart.
Step six: wear them. Look cool. Admire your huge collection. Have others jealous of how cool your slides are.

Friday, November 18, 2011

November Blue & Gold Meal Planning Handout

Last night at Roundtable we ran out of handouts for the Blue & Gold Meal Planning. I will bring more to hand out at December's Roundtable. However, for those who want to view it now (which is why you are here, because you were told it would be posted on this blog), click this: Blue & Gold Meal Planning

Friday, November 4, 2011

The Museum of Paleontology will be open Monday evenings 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. for "Family Night."

The Museum of Paleontology will open its doors on Monday evenings in November and invites one and all to enjoy a fun, educational “Family Night” at the museum. Learning about mammoths and dinosaurs was never so exciting. “Family Night” at the museum will benefit both families and student “Home Evening” groups alike.
Beginning in November, “Family Night” hours will extend on Mondays from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. to increase opportunities for families to visit and experience the exhibits together. Special tours will also be available by contacting museum curator and director, Rod Scheetz, at 801-422-3680.
The Ice Age and the Jurassic Era come alive within the museum’s walls. The museum specializes in Upper Jurassic dinosaur fossils from North America. It also displays a variety of collections, including Devonian fish and Pleistocene mammoths.
Founded as the Earth Science Museum in 1976 by the late James A. Jensen for the preparation, study and display of dinosaurs and other fossils, the recently renamed Museum of Paleontology possesses one of the largest collections of Upper Jurassic period dinosaur fossils. For several decades, the unprepared fossils were stored under the university’s football stadium until a recent addition was built on the museum to accommodate them.


Free. Donations are accepted.


By Appointment


BYU Museum of Paleontology 1683 N. Canyon Road Provo, Utah 84602-3300



Thursday, October 20, 2011

Flag Folding Ceremony

This is a copy of the script used at October's Roundtable by the men from the V.F.W. Post 4918, Timpanogos Post.

Other scripts can be found at this link.

"The flag represents a living country and is itself considered a living thing." Section 8j. Read the full Flag Code

Flag-Folding Script #4

What follows is a popular script for folding the flag; however, it should not be used in official ceremonies as it is in violation of the Establishment Clause. The Establishment Clause (First Amendment) requires that expression not create the reasonable impression that the government is sponsoring, endorsing, or inhibiting religion generally, or favoring or disfavoring a particular religion.


The flag folding ceremony represents the same religious principles on which our country was originally founded. The portion of the flag denoting honor is the canton of blue containing the stars representing the states our veterans served in uniform. The canton field of blue dresses from left to right and is inverted when draped as a pall on a casket of a veteran who has served our country in uniform.

In the Armed Forces of the United States, at the ceremony of retreat the flag is lowered, folded in a triangle fold and kept under watch throughout the night as a tribute to our nation's honored dead. The next morning it is brought out and, at the ceremony of reveille, run aloft as a symbol of our belief in the resurrection of the body.

(Wait for the Honor Guard or Flag Detail to unravel and fold the flag into a quarter fold--resume reading when Honor Guard is standing ready.)

  1. The first fold of our flag is a symbol of life.
  2. The second fold is a symbol of our belief in the eternal life.
  3. The third fold is made in honor and remembrance of the veteran departing our ranks who gave a portion of life for the defense of our country to attain a peace throughout the world.
  4. The fourth fold represents our weaker nature, for as American citizens trusting in God, it is to Him we turn in times of peace as well as in times of war for His divine guidance.
  5. The fifth fold is a tribute to our country, for in the words of Stephen Decatur, "Our country, in dealing with other countries, may she always be right; but it is still our country, right or wrong."
  6. The sixth fold is for where our hearts lie. It is with our heart that we pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
  7. The seventh fold is a tribute to our Armed Forces, for it is through the Armed Forces that we protect our country and our flag against all her enemies, whether they be found within or without the boundaries of our republic.
  8. The eighth fold is a tribute to the one who entered in to the valley of the shadow of death, that we might see the light of day, and to honor mother, for whom it flies on Mother's Day.
  9. The ninth fold is a tribute to womanhood; for it has been through their faith, love, loyalty and devotion that the character of the men and women who have made this country great have been molded.
  10. The tenth fold is a tribute to father, for he, too, has given his sons and daughters for the defense of our country since they were first born.
  11. The eleventh fold, in the eyes of a Hebrew citizen, represents the lower portion of the seal of King David and King Solomon, and glorifies, in their eyes, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
  12. The twelfth fold, in the eyes of a Christian citizen, represents an emblem of eternity and glorifies, in their eyes, God the Father, the Son, and Holy Ghost.

When the flag is completely folded, the stars are uppermost, reminding us of our national motto, "In God we Trust."

(Wait for the Honor Guard or Flag Detail to inspect the flag--after the inspection, resume reading.)

After the flag is completely folded and tucked in, it takes on the appearance of a cocked hat, ever reminding us of the soldiers who served under General George Washington and the sailors and marines who served under Captain John Paul Jones who were followed by their comrades and shipmates in the Armed Forces of the United States, preserving for us the rights, privileges, and freedoms we enjoy today.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Arrow of Light

Arrow of Light Ceremony done at POW WOW

Citizenship Football

Pack 152 Webelos came up with this fun game to combine the sport of the season with the core value of the month! For template, instructions, and qustions click PACK 152.
This will take some advanced preparation. Review the questions, and be prepared to update or change some of the answers. For instance, when this was written our current President of the United States was Bill Clinton (you'll have to change that), and in another question it places the name of a local religious leader as a funny choice, but wrong answer.
I think this will be a popular game. The questions support review for the Webelos Citizenship Badge, but can be altered for the pack, or come up with completely new questions for Tiger, Wolf, or Bear den reviews, or even Belt Loop reviews.

Pack Meeting Plans

Cubmasters, this is a link you may want direct access to:

This page is a wonderful resource to knowing how to pull off a well-organized and successful pack meeting.  If you don't want to copy and paste to keep that long address, just click THIS LINK.

BIG NEWS:  Monthly themes are back.  This is very big interest factor for the 8-10 year-old boys!  The page I've directed you already has October's Supplemental Packet - Jungle of Fun - available, and the rest will come when they are available.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

October - Responsibility

I have a book that puts very nicely what responsibility is, but it has a copyright on it, and I'm a stickler for keeping copyrights, if I know about them. This link, Teaching Responsibility, has some wonderful things to read which will help leaders be better able to explain and guide children into understanding Responsibility.
Demonstrate the importance of doing your part with a 3-legged stool. While it is possible, with extra effort, to sit with only one or two legs, all legs are important for stability.
Activities could include a trust walk or playing a game where each team or person has a responsibility that only he is allowed to perform. For instance, teach the positions of soccer, basketball, baseball, or football. You could build something, but each team builds a part, and then it gets put together. Teach them to take pride in doing their best with the responsibility they have been given, and how good it feels to do one's part in a group.
Ask what's important to them. Peace? Winning a game? Getting their turn? A clean house? Explain that taking responsibility is doing what they can to make these goals come to pass. If they want a turn, they need to let others have a turn. if they want to win a game, they need to practice at home as well as at team practice.
Have everyone bring 3 pieces of small trash. Have them walk around a small yard and nonchalantly drop each piece of trash around the yard. When everyone's finished, have them look at the difference only 3 pieces of trash makes. Then clean up the yard and throw away the trash properly.
Take responsibility for your corner of a clean world. Have each boy weigh the trash in their house for one day, then times it by 356 for a year. Visit a local dump and recycling plant. Talk about how to recycle.
Talk about the responsibility of their teacher or mother or coach or milking a cow. Then discuss what would happen if they did not take their responsibility seriously. Talk about what responsibilities the boys have at school and at home. Talk about the effects of their being responsible or not responsible.

Getting to Know You Page

Have the boys fill this out and use the page/pages as: Getting to know you or Spotlights. Click HERE for a scrapbook page for the boys to fill out, that looks like this:

Monday, September 12, 2011

September - Cooperation

Cooperation is needed to play most games, particularly played in groups and pairs. Our job is to get the children to be aware it. Discuss what cooperation is, and how it might look when playing games they are familiar with like soccer or baseball, as well as what the game might look like without cooperation.

Here are two links (Link 1 and Link 2) to some short group games that demonstrate cooperation quite well. You might want to play these games, then have them assess how cooperation helped them reach their goal.

Two other popular games for scouts are Human Knot and Shrinking Island. Click on the Human Knot link above for instructions to play it.

For Shrinking Island, take a tarp, open it up and place it on the ground. The goal of the game is to get everybody on the island. When they have successfully completed their task, have everyone get off the island, fold the tarp in half, and have them see how many of them can now get on the island. Continue shrinking the island to see how small that island can get and still have everyone on it. You can do this talking or without talking. It's fun to watch the cooperation as they hold each other to all be safe on the island.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Leader Responsibilites...What are mine?

Sometimes we don't always know what our position responsibilities are. I am here to help. Or at least attempt to help. On the Scouting website, the following is Highly Recommended. An introduction to these roles include a bulleted list of tasks and rewards of volunteering. Don't worry, they are only 4 pages each.
So You're a New:
Here is a good place to go, to find a plethora of:
Also found on the Scouting website
(an AMAZING site to find TONS of INFORMATION regarding Scouting!!)
is an organization chart for the Cub Scout Pack.
When clicking on the different positions it gives you a detailed description of that position.
(Committee Chair & Advancement Chair are located under the Pack Committee).

Adult Awards & Knots

Here are a few links to the Awards we talked about in the Committee Class tonight/lastnight :) at Roundtable. 

First, we talked about the Cub Scouter Award, found here (scroll down, it's the last award listed). Also you can go here, which is the progress record for this award.

Second, we talked about the Religous Knot. For LDS units it is On My Honor, found here. For all others you can find them here or here.

Third, we talked about the Heart of Scouting, found here.

We also discussed some of the other knots you can earn and wear on your uniform, which are found  here.

On the Scouting website there is a list of other awards you can earn as a leader. They can be found here.

There is also a list of different awards & their links listed on the scouting website found here, just scroll down to where it says "Awards"!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Intro to Cub Scouting

This Link takes you to a great 1 minute movie introduction to what Cub and Boy Scouting is like, for prospective or new parents. The Volunteer page outlines for new leaders what's expected at the beginning. Note: Utah National Parks Council will not accept applications without Youth Protection Training already completed or updated (every 2 calendar years). Another note: Roundtable for West Lehi, Saratoga Springs, Eagle Mountain, Cedar Fort, and Fairfield (Pony Express District in Utah) is held the 3rd Thursday of each month, all 12 months of the year, in Harvest Hills, Saratoga Springs.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

I'm A Little Teapot

This very manly chant song starts with a beat: stomp, stomp, clap (hold) ; stomp, stomp, clap (hold) ; stomp, stomp, clap (hold) ; stomp, stomp, clap (hold) ... Keep the beat going throughout the song. This version on Youtube is a Repeat After Me, which is fantastic for learning. There are other versions on Youtube with cub scouts having a blast, but there's a lot of wasted space on the video, and the version I picked shows just how manly it is. You can also sing the whole song to the tune of "We Will Rock You", but in this version only the chorus is sung, while the verse is chanted.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Honesty Activity

Purpose: Give the cub scouts the opportunity to be honest. Here is a printable copy of these instructions. Preparation: Have several carnival type activities for the boys to participate in, each one being a separate station. Also, have a Cub Scout Customer Service Booth, and the currency that will be used by the Cub Scouts for each activity. (You can make your own, or use monopoly money or some other funny money.) Only two types of bills would be necessary, fives and ones. Each activity will cost $3.00 and the cost should be marked clearly at each station. (Cub Scout currency dollars.) Each boy is given two $5.00 bills in the currency. At each station, the station master takes the boys money bill and tells them that they will be given their change after the activity, if they need to be given change. The station master supervises the activity and then gives change. For every $5.00 bill received the station master gives $3.00 in change and whatever prize he has won, if any. (At every station for a $5.00 each boy is purposely given too much change, 3 one dollar bills.) This provides the boy with the temptation to keep the money and go play another game or try and correct the situation. Each station has a cost of $3.00. If the boy recognized that he was given too much change he may try to correct it at the station. The station master explains that he must go to the Cub Scout Customer Service Booth to rectify any problem or complaint. At the customer service booth the boys are to wait in line if necessary and told not to talk until after they are helped. The Customer Service attendant helps each boy one at a time and does so privately, (whispering so that no one else knows what is going on.) If the boy is being honest the attendant rewards the boy’s honesty and gives him an honesty card and allows him to keep the extra $1.00 received in change, and asks the boy not to say anything about it to any of the other boys. Once the boys are out of money they are asked to go to the “flat broke area” where they can play games or wait and think about their choices until the whole activity is stopped.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Map & Compass

To add to what we learned about compasses at 2011 Cub Day Camp, where we showed how a compass works and in a field took a compass bearing and followed it, here is a Maps & Compass Belt Loop & Pin requirements worksheet complete with map and grid paper, and following are some helps for earning the Maps & Compass Belt Loop & Pin: Cartography - the study and practice of making maps Cartographer - one who studies and writes maps (from Greek chartis = map and graphein = write) Cartography is all about symbols. Symbols are markings that represents something. A symbol can be a line, a color, or a picture. Here are ten common map symbols and their meanings to mix and match. Although extremely easily identified, after playing this match game, the boys will notice these pictures more often on roads and maps. Using a map and a compass, here's instructions how to orient a map. Colors can mean many things on a map, but this article describes common uses for certain colors if you scroll down the page.

Jumping Beans

One of the boys' favorite activities at Day Camp this year (2011) was making and playing with homemade jumping bean toys. It is easy and quick to make and funny to watch its eratic movements. Have fun with one rolling around your hand or race them down an incline. The secret is the ordinary marble you place on the inside of the paper or foil bean.

Hikes and Nature Scavenger Hunts

Here is a second collection of hike ideas, to keep the cubs' minds busy and present (not to get to the end of the hike fast). There are also a couple of scavenger hunts. I particularly like the Camera Scavenger Hunt, because the Outdoor Code is about "Take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but footprints".

Neckerchief Slides

You can never have too many neckerchief slides! Anything can be a neckerchief slide in an emergancy: a metal washer, a wire twist tie, a rubber band, a large metal nut. However, it's fun to have fun neckerchief slides. A leader can give them out to only those who are on time, a door prize, to introduce a theme, an activity for the boys to do, a gift for a job well done or birthday, or as an award for earning 20 beads on the den doodle. Woggle World and The Slide Show are two very helpful sites about neckerchief slides in general. Woggle World has many pictures. The Slide Show has many ideas and tips, and even tells how to keep even heavy slides from falling off. imsuperbored tells how to shrink snack chip bags, but instead of making it into a keychain, attach a piece of flexible tubing to the back for a neckerchief slide.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Youth Protection Training for Parents and Cubs

Every Cub Scout and Boy Scout leader must be Youth Protection Trained before they turn in their application, then they must pass a background check before they can be with the boys, then they must retake the Youth Protection Training (YPT) every 2 years they serve as a BSA leader. Parents are encouraged to take Youth Protection Training as well, and they don't have to be registered with the BSA to do so. Click YPT to get to a page on where you can take the course online as well as read online The Guide To Safe Scouting. In addition, there are other resources for teaching kids how to be safe. Power Pack Pals comic books keep the interest of the Cub Scouts. There is one dedicated to internet safety ( 20 cents per copy), one dedicated to personal safety, especially from bulling (20 cents per copy), and another two that talk about saying no to drugs -- one is the teacher guide ($1 each). These can be bought in both English and Spanish in the BSA Store near you. There are also two fantastic movies, one for Cub Scouts and one for Boy Scouts, that talk about and role play how to recognize, get away from, and talk to an adult-who-will-help, about the sensitive subject of molestation. These movies have been scrutinized and approved by multiple child psychologists. The DVD for Cub Scouts is called It Happened to Me. It is recommended that a parent watches the DVD before showing it to their children. It Happened to Me should never be shown in a Den Meeting, but it is recommended by the BSA to watch it in Pack Meeting once a year. April is Youth Protection Month, but it is appropriate any time in the year. Before showing this DVD in an LDS unit, a Bishop should watch it first. (Parents may watch it anytime - but this is for approval for Pack Meeting). If he feels it is needed, he can request the parents watch it. Only after all the parents have watched it (may be done together, without kids), then it may be shown in Pack Meeting in the LDS Church.

Cub Scout Cheers

I'd like to call them "Cheezy Cheers". They mean more to a boy than an adult could ever understand. Just adding these cheezy cheers to congratulate a job well done will stimulate all the boys to do more Cub Scouting at home and earn their awards. Why? Because they are boys ages 8-10! Click CHEERS to be brought to a pdf file from macscouter with 9 pages of cheers to print, cut, and place in your CHEER box! These cheers are meant to be used in the dens, as well.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Human-Size Board Games (esp. Wolf den)

Think of a board game that kids like to play. You might choose Candyland, Monopoly, Battle Ship, Trouble, or Life, or you could use elements of several of your favorites and make up your own game. I have chosen Snakes and Ladders (Chutes and Ladders). Purchase or make a giant die to roll (i.e, out of a 1-foot square box), or make a giant 2-foot square spinner (or convert your Twister spinner). The Cub Scouts are their own game pieces. The week before the game, give your den homework to talk with their parents about the rules in their house. For instance, if you are a Wolf den, have them go home to pass off with their parents Requirements 4: Know Your Home and Community, 9: Be Safe At Home and On the Street, 11: Duty to God, and 12: Making Choices. The day of the game, go to an empty parking lot and draw a giant game board of your choice with sidewalkchalk, with like 4-foot squares or something, on the parking lot blacktop. Use the situations in their homework assignment for the game. If they can give an answer of what their family does, they roll the die or spin the spinner and move. If they cannot give an answer, they stay where they are without rolling the die, or you can give them another question if you want. If they give an obviously wrong answer (particularly if they are wise-cracking), they go back - just be sure they don't land on a ladder! Use opportunities like these to discuss possible correct answers. You can reuse the questions, because every family has a different correct answer.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Candy Bar Wrappers

Looks great. Easy. Inexpensive. Click HERE to get to The Idea Door to see and print the cute (don't call them "cute" in front of a cub) colorful cub scout wrappers she got from Sweet Memories & More. They wrap around the 1.55 oz. Hershey's candy bars. You can use them as awards for your Pinewood Derby, a thank you gift, on time drawing, welcome to our pack gift, or to award 20 beads on the den doodle. I'm sure you can think up more.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Turk's Neck Woggle Slide (Webelos)

Known as both a Woggle and a Turk's Neck, this neckerchief slide is fascinating. It takes about a half-hour to learn for a group of adults, but once it's learned well it only takes about 5 minutes to make. Suitable for Webelos and older. Click HERE for instructions.

Pipe Cleaner Creature Craft

What a great idea. The boys will love making these and showing them off at home. Or, you could make a ring on the back with another piece of pipe cleaner for a cute neckerchief slide! Click HERE for instructions how to make these creatures out of pipe cleaners.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

More Scouting Forms

Just in case my favorite form isn't exactly what you're looking for, here is a linking to additional scouting forms, both Boy Scout and Cub Scout. Scouting Forms

Cub Scout Advancement Record

At our last Round Table, I shared a form that I particularly like for keeping track of the boys advancements. If you click on the link below you will find my favorite report. Cub Scout Advancement Record

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Water Carnival Games

Have a Wet and Wild party with your pick of these very cool water games!