
Monday, November 28, 2011

Blue and Gold Table Decor. Ideas

This is something very simple to make and you don't need to be a expert cake decorator to make this. Made out of cupcakes (regular or mini). This can be made and used for Blue & Gold Banquet or when a young man earns his Arrow of Light.
Here are some Blue and Gold Table Decoration Ideas
Pocket Knife Invitations click here
To make the lantern click here for instructions. To make the fire centerpiece click here for instructions. Here is one version to make a space shuttle Click here for instructions click here for instructions

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Neckerchief slides

How can you go from this:
To this:

Wanna know? I’ll show you how.
Step one: drink a LOT of milk.
Step two: cut the handle off of the milk container.
Step three: cut the handle into smaller chunks.

Step four: find anything that looks like it would make a fun neckerchief slide.
Step five: GLUE!!! Hot glue will work in a pinch but tends to just snap off once it has hardened. I’ve had great success with E-6000. It’s a craft glue found in the craft section at most stores. I got mine at Walmart.
Step six: wear them. Look cool. Admire your huge collection. Have others jealous of how cool your slides are.

Friday, November 18, 2011

November Blue & Gold Meal Planning Handout

Last night at Roundtable we ran out of handouts for the Blue & Gold Meal Planning. I will bring more to hand out at December's Roundtable. However, for those who want to view it now (which is why you are here, because you were told it would be posted on this blog), click this: Blue & Gold Meal Planning

Friday, November 4, 2011

The Museum of Paleontology will be open Monday evenings 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. for "Family Night."

The Museum of Paleontology will open its doors on Monday evenings in November and invites one and all to enjoy a fun, educational “Family Night” at the museum. Learning about mammoths and dinosaurs was never so exciting. “Family Night” at the museum will benefit both families and student “Home Evening” groups alike.
Beginning in November, “Family Night” hours will extend on Mondays from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. to increase opportunities for families to visit and experience the exhibits together. Special tours will also be available by contacting museum curator and director, Rod Scheetz, at 801-422-3680.
The Ice Age and the Jurassic Era come alive within the museum’s walls. The museum specializes in Upper Jurassic dinosaur fossils from North America. It also displays a variety of collections, including Devonian fish and Pleistocene mammoths.
Founded as the Earth Science Museum in 1976 by the late James A. Jensen for the preparation, study and display of dinosaurs and other fossils, the recently renamed Museum of Paleontology possesses one of the largest collections of Upper Jurassic period dinosaur fossils. For several decades, the unprepared fossils were stored under the university’s football stadium until a recent addition was built on the museum to accommodate them.


Free. Donations are accepted.


By Appointment


BYU Museum of Paleontology 1683 N. Canyon Road Provo, Utah 84602-3300

