
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

More Scouting Forms

Just in case my favorite form isn't exactly what you're looking for, here is a linking to additional scouting forms, both Boy Scout and Cub Scout. Scouting Forms

Cub Scout Advancement Record

At our last Round Table, I shared a form that I particularly like for keeping track of the boys advancements. If you click on the link below you will find my favorite report. Cub Scout Advancement Record

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Water Carnival Games

Have a Wet and Wild party with your pick of these very cool water games!

Raingutter Regatta Flair

Many packs enjoy a summertime Raingutter Regatta. You can download this certificate at this link. A great song to sing at your Raingutter Regatta is sung to the tune When Johnny Comes Marching Home, and the lyrics are found on the 2nd page of the June 2008 Program Helps (right column. Heading: "Song: Regatta Day). Just click here: lyrics.

Have you tried a Vegetable Regatta? Slice the top off of a bell pepper, gourd, zucchini, or other vegetable. Hollow the middle with a spoon. Add a shishkabob skewer or two and a piece of paper for a mast. Test the floatability and mobility in a sink or tub of water.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Dinosaur Eggs

One of the most memorable Pack Meetings I have attended was the summer of 1998 when the cubs hunted Dinosaur Eggs. The week before the pack meeting the leaders made paper mache' dinosaur eggs. A toy dinosaur was inserted through a flap door made in the egg after the egg was painted. We always had our pack meetings outside during the summertime. The eggs were hidden around the property before the boys arrived. The first egg the boy found was his. Last year our Cubmaster made a dinosaur egg for each boy receiving awards, and they had to crack the egg to get to their awards. To make a solid egg that the kids can excavate their dinosaur from, go here: dino egg for excavating. For display only, a more realistic looking and cracking egg would be a plaster of paris dinosaur egg. It's made from the inside of a balloon, so this one's best for show (unfillable).

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

PVC Kid Wash

These PVC Kid Washes would be fun for the neighborhood, a Water Carnival (if you're planning to get wet) or a Bike Rodeo. Click on the description you're interested in.
The mist wash claims that it saves on water (My guess is about $20 to make this one).
The deluxe wash - who knows what the materials cost to make it, but it looks like a ton of fun!
The drip wash states that it takes less than $10 to make.
Check them out!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Homemade Rocket Launchers

Here are three rockets you can make at home for your pack, family, or (ooooh) Scout Expo!
$10 Soda Pop BottleStomp Launcher sends paper rockets 75 feet into the air!
Compressed Air Rocket Launcher launches paper rockets 200-300 feet into the air!
$10 Overhead Water Rocket Launcher for soda pop rockets or water balloons. Included are variations, such as making it self-supporting, like the picture I included.

Hiking Themes, Hunts, Checklists, and Activities

Webelos: Outdoorsman 9
Doing a scavenger hunt while hiking will help the boys really explore the world around them while they are walking, rather than getting from point A to point B as quickly as possible. This scavenger hunt is a “check off” type hunt. They don’t actually bring the items with them. This fits in with the Leave No Trace guidelines. Here is a list of 14 Themed Hikes, including: Hold the Front, Puddle, Stop-Look-Listen, Crafts, Color, Historical, City, I Spy, Nature Cribbage, Follow the Odor, Awareness, Breakfast, Sealed Orders, Touch and Feel. Another fun hike is taking the boys Geocaching! Do you have petroglyphs or fossil sites nearby? Have the boys draw a picture of what they see to take home with them. Without A Trace are activities that can help the boys appreciate nature, getting a feeling of why we would want to preserve it and why we adopt ways such as Leave No Trace. Ready, Set, Go! includes things the boys need to know before taking a hike, as well as things the adult leaders need to know before taking the boys on the hike. Happy Hiking!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Cubanapolis 400

A Cubanapolis is such a fun pack activity for the whole family. It can be done any time of the year, because it can be done indoors or outdoors. (For instructions, click the highlighted "Cubanapolis" above.) The boys create a vehicle from a box, paint it, then race wearing it, while their families act as their pit crews and their cheerleaders. Watching the race is, itself, a hoot!

Reverse Dunk Tank

Very affordable alternative to a Dunk Tank for your party or Water Carnival. Rather than the "dunkee" being dropped into a tank of water, he/she sits under a bucket of water that may or may not be dumped on top of him/her. Simple to put together. Tons of fun for everyone! Not only does this conserve water, but if you do it over a lawn, it's also Earth-friendly. : ) Click here to be brought to the instructions to making this popular game.

Bike Rodeo

Here is a thorough bike rodeo plan. This article (bike rodeo) explains different situations that children ought to practice, because they are dangerous situations children face every day. Whether your pack does a thorough rodeo as described or just a short one for mostly fun, I think it's well worth reading over this article once before planning your own.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Leader and Parent Welcome Packets

When a new leader or parent joins the Pack, they ought to be oriented by the Trainer, Committee Chair, or other designated committee member. Often they are excited, but overwhelmed with all the newness of the Cub Scout program and their involvement in it. This is where Information Packets can be useful. Leave a copy with the new leader or parent so they can refer to it when needed. Here are some examples that you are welcome to copy and change to fit your Pack. Read it! You WILL need to make changes to fit your Pack. Click on the link as needed: