
Thursday, April 28, 2011

Some more Roundtable Pics - April 2011

Here's a few more pics from Roundtable. Each shows an idea presented by highly creative and imaginative contributors!
In the "Olympics" theme, here are some "events." Roll a hoola-hoop and see if you can throw beanbags through it as it rolls. Create marshmallow "guns" and see who can shoot farther or more accurately. Race in a fun plunger kayak race! A great Mother's Day gift! A bouquet of strawberries on a skewer. One has a slice in the top with a marshmallow inside.
Great ideas for presenting awards and for treats.
Marshmallow Teeth instructions Thank you to everyone who shares their ideas at Roundtable!

Some RoundTable Fun

When we meet for RoundTable each month, we have a blast. It is so much fun. There are a few of us who don't even work with the boys. We use RoundTable as much needed "me" time on a monthly basis. We really enjoy using our individual talents to make a wonderful training and brainstorming session for the leaders in the Pony Express District. These pictures are from the April, 2011, RoundTable.
Mary loves to volunteer. We enjoyed a few laughs at her quickly raised hand.
A visiting Webelos showed remarkable skill at skateboard kayaking. (Clean plunger optional...)
Our fearless leader, Angela, loves to show her enthusiasm for everything. What a great example of how to be with Cub Scouts.

March 2011 RT

These are pictures from Roundtable in March.
Sharing the Cubbies & Scrapbook pages.
The pages can be viewed in the album shared at every RT.
These are the items each Stake made during the Gathering Activity.
(Sorry, I can't remember which stake is which)
Stake Flags
Craft Time
Awesome CampFire Crafts
Click on the pictures to go to the link with instructions.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Tall Tales Bingo Game

This is a Tall Tales Bingo Game that Tomi Ann Hill developed to help pass off Bear Achievement 4: Tall Tales.

Print out the game cards on cardstock (from HERE).  Make sure you choose your printers "shrink to fit" option so the edges don't get cut off.  The last page has just the icons so you can cut them out and put them in a bowl, then draw them out at random.  Give each scout a card (there are 8 different cards in this set) and some kind of markers.  We used goldfish crackers.  As you draw the cards out of the bowl, tell the boys the basic story (as found in the handbook) and let them figure out which name goes with it.  Each card has all the stories on it, so eventually everyone will get a blackout.  We had a little treat for the first 3 boys to get Bingo.

Program Self-Assessment

"Where performance is measured, performance improves. Where performance is measured and reported, the rate of improvement accelerates." -- Thomas S. Monson
It's nice to have a measuring stick readily available for self-assessment. Two wonderful measuring sticks are the Pack Self-Assessment and Journey To Excellence. Journey To Excellence replaced Quality Unit, effective February 2011. There are different forms for Packs, Troops, Crews, Ships, Districts, and Councils. The criteria and a webinar for each can be found at the links below.
Packs report their progress to a Unit Commissioner. Unit Commissioners are not from within your Pack or LDS ward. Unit Commissioners usually serve 3 BSA units and are assigned by your District or LDS stake. They are a resource for you, a friend who knows Scouting well, and a liaison between your Pack and your Council. They help your pack set and meet yearly goals. If you do not know who your Pack's Unit Commissioner is, your Unit Chartered Organization Representative, aka COR, is a good resource to find out (for LDS units, that's your bishopric counselor over Scouting).

Values with Themes

Our focus for Pack Meetings is the Core Value of the month. While we need to be careful the Core Value isn't replaced or lost by a theme, a theme can demonstrate and punctuate a Core Value. Themes can be used for decoration, games, and especially award ceremonies. Here are some ideas, mostly compiled by Charlene Rowley, to help our imaginations get started:
  • CITIZENSHIP: Patriotic, Pilgrim, Patriots, Historic Flags, Our Country's (or local) Heritage
  • COMPASSION: Pilgrims, Pioneers, Firemen, Medical First Aid, Wizard of Oz, Disability Awareness
  • COOPERATION: Carnival, Circus, Rodeo, Mountaineers, Trailblazers, Circle the Wagons, Showbiz, Music Makers, Derbies, Sports Extravaganza, Genius Kits, Communication, Tied Up in Knots
  • COURAGE: Wright Brothers, The World of Tomorrow, Vikings, Pirates, Pilgrims, Pioneers, Tall Tales, Legends, Knights, Robin Hood, Wizard of Oz
  • FAITH: Patriots, Pilgrims, Pioneers
  • HEALTH & FITNESS: Blast Off, Down on the Farm, Knights, Grecians Olympics, Sports Carnival, Fire Detective, Field Day, Survival
  • HONESTY: Knights, Derbies, Pilgrims, Pioneers
  • PERSEVERANCE: Wright Brothers, Viking, Pirates, Ship builders, Waterways, Discoveries, Patriots,Pilgrims, Our Heritage, Mountaineers, Pioneers, Trail blazers, Winter Olympics, Knights, Field Day, Survival
  • POSITIVE ATTITUDE: Wright Brothers, The World of Tomorrow, Neptune Rex, Vaudeville, Magicians, Olympics, Heroes, Derbies, Wizard of Oz
  • RESOURCEFULNESS: Sound Props, Trains, Solar System, Jungle, Zoo, Natural Resource Conservation, Recycling, Survival
  • RESPECT: Great Events in Scouting, Circle the Wagons, Pioneers, Trailblazers, Wild West Rodeo, Pilgrims, Historic Flags, Akela's Council, It's A Small World
  • RESPONSIBILITY: Wright Brothers, The World of Tomorrow, Discoverers, Patriots, Pilgrims, Pioneers, Trailblazers, Fire, Detectives