
Thursday, December 30, 2010

Roundtable Zone Assignment

To many of you who attend Roundtable you may know that we divide up in various zones that make up our District. Starting in Feb. we will be handing over some of our Roundtable assignments to the zones. They in turn will be making assignments to the packs that make up their zones.
January is our Adult Academy Awards night.
Remember we have until Monday to turn in the nominations for the awards. It was requested that at least every zone, but preferably every pack, turn one of those sheets in completed for nomination. We actually want to flood with awards and acknowledgements of merit, so it would be wonderful for every ward to turn in two or three acknowledgements of merit (which didn't have an official sheet, but we needed to know who nominated and their phone number so they could be contacted for more info, the name of the nominee within our Pony Express District, and why they are being nominated). Send the information to Judy:
Each zone is assigned to make a flag which stands from the floor and has a base to hold it. The flag should be decorated in a way that represents the zone. Be sure that whatever is on the flag has meaning, as you will be asked to explain the symbolism.
Below are some examples of flags that were made at Akela's Council.
(A GREAT Leadership training!)
We will also be having a decorating contest for the sheet cake, as this is a Cub Scout tradition that we are introducing. The core value for January is Positive Attitude. The night will be as the Academy Awards night. Below is some examples of cakes Cub Scouts have made for our Blue and Gold.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Homemade CubScout Trophies

Spray paint can be a Cub Scout Leaders best friend. You can take almost anything, mount it on a piece of wood and spray paint it gold and it's an award. The boys love it!
I found this bear statue at the thrift store, mounted it to a piece of wood using either Liquid Nails or E6000 (which can be found in the craft aisle at Walmart). This award was made for a Cub Scout who was receiving his Bear advancement.
You can take a plastic cup from the thrift store, mount it and spray paint it. Add some vinyl. Then you can fill the cup with some goodies.
This award was given to each of the boys so they have a stand for their car. The Webelos designed and made it, this helps them pass off a requirement for their Craftsman Pin. The Webelos just used some scrap wood and molding. You can get a small plaque or make one using cardstock and then laminating the card and hot gluing it to the stand.
This Medal was made from canning lids sprayed painted gold. Use a sticker or die cut, add some ribbon and wha-la...a medal for your Cub Scout.
Another stand made by the Webelos. Using scraps of wood. The Cub scout's car becomes the Trophy.
I like to make sure each boy goes home with something, this makes them feel good and helps moral. Boys will want to come back because they feel important. If you want to recognize 1st, 2nd and 3rd Great but remember that you can also judge in other areas; artist, most colorful, slow poke, most stickers, etc...

The Turtle Races

Turtle Races are not well known these days in Cub Scouts but they are something that is a lot of fun for the boys. It teaches the boys that they need to be patient, work at a steady pace, and sometimes slow and steady wins the race.
You can find scraps of wood from construction sites or even going to Home Depot and looking in their scrap departments. I think I got three sheets of wood for $3.00 and I used a jigsaw and cut out 35 turtles.
After you cut out the turtle then the boys can have decorate their turtle. You can add duct tape to the feet or sometimes you can use big, thick rubber bands. This helps on a hard wood floor. Then find a 2X4 and tie your rope/twine to it. I use duct tape to tape down the board to the floor so that it doesn't move. Make a hole at the top of your turtle and then string the twine through. Then the boy needs to get at the end of the string and kneel down, using up and down movements he can then move the turtle from the starting point (which is close down to the 2X4) to the finishing line. You can make your twine as long as you want the boys to race to.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Blue & Gold Table Decorations

Cub Scout is made out of a milk jug and the stand is a upside down paper bowl. Each boy could make their own to look like them. They can add their own hat and neckerchief.

This CubScout was made from the Cricut Cartridge Paper Doll Dress up. The doll on the can is 10 inches tall and the invitation is 8 inches tall Hat: is from Everyday Paper Doll Fall Boy The Boy Scout uniform is from Everyday Paper Doll Doctor and the neckerchief is made from Paper Doll Dress Up Ragedy Andy Boy

Cub Scouter made out of a 2X4 piece of wood, and fabric Something very easy the boys can make and then take home with them.
Link to instructions: Cub Scouter Centerpiece

February 2011 The Space Shuttle takes its last flight

The Space shuttle is made out of a 2 liter bottle 3 Power Aid bottles, cut and stacked together with Duck Tape Two cardboard tubes and make cone noses and 3 blue sticks lids Wings are made out of cardstock.

Link for more ideas: Table Decorations and Invitations